Kinésithérapeute, PhD
À propos de l' Speaker
Docteur en sciences de la motricité
DE en kinésithérapie et revalidation des sportifs
Enseignement en formation initiale (Louvain – Belgique) et continue
Joachim Van Cant est professeur associé à la Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles depuis 2020 et chercheur en kinésithérapie musculosquelettique. Il a obtenu son doctorat en Sciences de la Motricité de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles en 2016. En plus de l'enseignement, il coordonne le certificat en kinésithérapie du sport et en médecine du sport à l'ULB et enseigne, entre autres, le raisonnement clinique en kinésithérapie. Ses domaines de recherche principaux portent sur les pathologies sportives du membre inférieur, en particulier les douleurs antérieures du genou, et la biomécanique de la course à pied. Il a publié 19 articles évalués par des pairs. Actuellement, il supervise 7 doctorants et est chercheur régulier à l'Unité de recherche en Sciences de la Rééducation (ULB).
- Nguyen AP, Detrembleur C, Van Cant J. Conservative treatment for iliotibial band syndrome: Are we facing a research gap? A scoping review of 98 studies with clinical perspectives. Phys Ther Sport. 2023;62:25-31.
- Pairot de Fontenay B, Van Cant J, Gokeler A, Roy JS; Reintroduction of running after ACL reconstruction with a hamstring graft: can we predict short-term success?: Return to running after ACL-R. J Athl Train. 2022, 57 :540-546.
- Van Cant J, de Fontenay Benoît P, Douaihy C, Rambaud A. Characteristics of return to running programs following an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A scoping review of 64 studies with clinical perspectives. Phys Ther Sports, 2022;49:83-89
- Mauvieux B, Hingrand C, Drigny J, Hodzic A, Baron P, Hurdiel R, Van Cant J, Besnard S. Study of the Kinetics of the Determinants of Performance During a Mountain Ultramarathon: Multidisciplinary Protocol of the First Trail Scientifique de Clécy 2021. JMIR research protocols, 2022;11: e38027.
- Paterson C, Bizzini M, Van Cant J, Rambaud A. Registered International Sports Physical Therapist (RISPT): towards excellence in sports physiotherapy for the athlete. Eur Rehab J. 2021; 1-1
- Van Cant J, Declève P, Garnier A, Roy JS. Influence of symptom frequency and severity on hip abductor strength and endurance in individuals with patellofemoral pain. Phys Ther Sports.2021;49:83-89
- Decleve P, Van Cant J, Cools AM. Reliability of the Modified CKCUEST and Correlation with Shoulder Strength in Adolescent Basketball and Volleyball Players. Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;20:S1413-3555(21)00005-8.
- Declève P, Van Cant J, Attar T, Urbain E, Marcel M, Borms D, Cools AM. The shoulder endurance test (SET): A reliability and validity and comparison study on healthy overhead athletes and sedentary adults. Phys Ther Sport.2021;47:201-207.
- Decleve P, Van Cant J, Pflieger S, Cools AM. The self assessment corner (sac method) – a novel way to self assess rotator cuff strength: a reliability and validity study. J Atl Train. 2020;55:350- 358.
- Van Cant J, Detrembleur C, Mahaudens P, Feipel V. Reliability and validity of the HAIE test: a new clinical test for the assessment of hip abductor endurance. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2020;15: 238–245
- Gérard R, Gojon L, Decleve P, Van Cant J. The effects of eccentric training on biceps femoris architecture and strength: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Atl Train. 2020;55:501-514
- Van Cant J, Dawe-Coze A, Aoun E, Esculier JF. Quadriceps strengthening with and without blood flow restriction in the rehabilitation of subjects with knee conditions: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2020;33:529-544
- Decleve P, Attar T, Benameur T, Gaspar V, Van Cant J, Cools AM. The “upper limb rotation test”: Reliability and validity study of a new upper extremity physical performance test. Phys Ther Sport. 2020;42:118-123.
- Roussiez V & Van Cant J. Predisposing factors to hamstring neuromuscular deficits –iimplications for prevention and rehabilitation of hamstring strain injuries : a narrative review. Phys Ther Rev. 2019;24;1-9
- Van Cant J, Pitance L, Demoulin C, Bakker E, Feipel V. Test-retest reliability of the hip abductor endurance test depending on two different uses of the Borg scale. Int J Phys Ther Rehab. 2016; 2;123
- Van Cant J, Feipel V. Test-retest reliability of the hip abductor endurance test in females with patellofemoral pain. J Pain Manag Rehab. 2016;1;1-4
- Van Cant J, Pitance L, et Feipel V. Hip abductor, trunk extensor and ankle plantar flexor endurance in females with and without patellofemoral pain. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2016. Prepint; 1-9
- Van Cant J, Dumont G, Pitance L, et Feipel V. Test-retest reliability of two clinical tests for the assessment of hip abductor endurance in healthy females. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2016;11;24-33.
-Van Cant J, Pineux C, Pitance L, et Feipel. V. Hip muscle strength and endurance in females with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2014;9:564-582.